Capstone Project Week!

Capstone Project Week!

It's a little mind-boggling that I've reached the very last week of my training course with Interapt and General Assembly. We started on capstone projects towards the end of last week, and we'll be working on them up until Friday when we present to our peers and potential employer! I've been noodling around the idea of creating electronic daycare daily sheets ever since one particularly windy day this past summer. I saw how carefully my son's teachers had to take out each student's sheet from the clipboard so they didn't all go flying!

So it's been quite gratifying to see that nascent idea start to take shape this week. I'm utilizing Java and Spring Boot on the back-end and Angular on the front-end to create a daily sheet for each student that the teachers can populate with data then parents can view their child(ren)'s info throughout the day. There's still a lot of functionality that I need to work on this week, but so far it has been a great experience being able to take an idea from my head and see it take shape on the screen!